this year (2024)
This website
Self explanatory.
Generative Art
Playing around with various sketches in p5.js.
last year (2023)
posterCardiovascular disease poses a significant health challenge, responsible for nearly 25% of U.S. deaths and costing approximately $229 billion annually in healthcare and lost productivity. For my senior project, I sought to tackle this issue by developing a residual neural network designed to detect cardiac arrhythmias using synthetic electrocardiography.
Celebrity Variational Autoencoder
Implemented a variational autoencoder to generate images of celebrities from noise input. Used Kullback–Leibler divergence as a loss function.
Camel Up Board Game AI
posterInspiration for this implementation came from previous research on stochastic board games, such as Risk, which have been optimized using reinforcement learning.
year before that (2022)
Pair Hidden Markov Model for Genome Sequencing
posterThe aim of our project was to develop a Pair Hidden Markov Model (HMM) to generate aligned sequence pairs, which are often indicative of functional significance. Unlike a traditional HMM, a Pair HMM produces an aligned pair of sequences, effectively capturing point mutations, insertions, and deletions in biological data.
Predicting Mortality and Length of Stay
paperNumerous hospitals have adopted a range of statistical learning techniques to enhance the accuracy of outcomes in intensive care units. We utilize linear, logistic, and quantile regression models, along with random forests and K-nearest neighbor classification, to predict mortality, length of stay, and liver disease in ICU patients.
year before that (2021)
Dial-a-Ride Optimization
An optimization algorithm designed to determine optimal routing strategies for drivers based on multiple pickup locations.
Dutch Textile Mapping
Interactive dashboard created to display various information about textile trade in the 17th century.
year before that (2020)
Pathfinding Visualization
Simple pathfinding using A*, BFS, DFS, etc. Implemented as a quarantine project just starting out.